mail art

free for all!

R.A. Fountain has hosted two mail art shows:

Crossroads: World, 2006

Bluegrass: Rural Roots, 2014

I’ve been mailing art for a long time & am a member of the International Union of Mail Artists, which you can join, easy & free, & you’ll soon start getting interesting mail from all over the world.

My entry to a show organized by Alabama Art Kitchen:











View the complete show.

“Lester Gay’s Windmills Used to Blow in Our World”

Lester Gay lived outside of Fountain, where he constructed windmills in memory of his wife. They often visited with Vollis Simpson after eating Sunday dinner at Parker’s Barbecue in Wilson. Unlike Vollis’ whirligigs, Lester’s were made on single poles and sat at about the same height. Lester had them arranged in a field beside of his home so that they would pirouette in a harmony reminiscent of synchronized swimming. Like Vollis, he loved adorning his art with reflectors.